Duration of operation from the internal battery was not altered by attachment of the CBRN filter. The use of a CBRN filter is necessary for protection of ventilator dependent patients when environmental contamination is present, although conditions exist where all gas does not pass through the filter with some ventilators under normal operating conditions.
Article in Resuscitation 81(9):1148-51 · September 2010
Authors: Thomas C. Blakeman (a) , Peter Toth (c), Dario Rodriquez (b), Richard D. Branson (a)
(a) University of Cincinnati Department of Surgery, Division of Trauma/Critical Care, Cincinnati, OH, United States
(b) Center for Sustainment of Trauma and Readiness Skills (CSTARS), United States Air Force, Cincinnati, OH, United States
(c) Medical Student, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, United States